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Race Commitee for 2024

We need to have a signup for race committees for the year.

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Wasn't there talk at one point about Sea Scouts training up to be race committee...did that go anywhere?



Will and I are working on the Sea Scouts.   But seriously they are a bunch of high school kids.  Reliability is doubtful.  Any help they can give us will be much appreciated.

As a racer, to have good reliable races, we need to put in significant effort to getting a race committee boat on the water.  Either with someone not racing, or with one of the many unused boats in the club.  No excuse for singlehanded races not to have a committee, as we have many boats that race with a crew.   Give them the job of taking care of the club.

Commitee isn't hard, and actually it can be a great learning experience to get to observe other boats.  It's just a matter of effort of our racing members.